Using Dissaggereation & Inclusive Curriculum Analytics to Identify Barriers, Measure Outcome Disparities, and Close Achievement Gaps
As formal credit earning opportunities grow, such as through credit by examination, it’s imperative that institutions understand their credit acceptance policies shape their students’ experiences on campus. While most schools have focused on how students with advanced credit perform in following classes, fewer have focused on how these policies affect students without the same opportunities. This case study will answer: how do credit acceptance policies shape the student academic experience within one College of Engineering? The poster will focus on how one College of Engineering identified inequities through data driven study of students’ college performance as it relates to their credits earned prior to matriculation. It will provide a roadmap for other institutions to investigate their own student data as it pertains to current policies.
Speakers: G. Alex Ambrose (Speaker) University of Notre Dame, Professor of the Practice & Director of Learning Research
Leo McWilliams (Speaker) University of Notre Dame , Associate Professional Specialist
Victoria Goodrich (Speaker) University of Notre Dame, Associate Teaching Professor