Understanding Student Engagement During COVID-19: Implementing Learning Analytics at Dalhousie (LADAL) to Understand the Experiences of Online Learning
With the transition online for the vast majority of courses at Dalhousie during the 2020-21 academic year, there were concerns that we needed to understand the impact the transition was having on the learning journeys of students across the campus during the COVID pandemic. Through the development of a Brightspace Engagement Index (BEI), and a Student Risk Model (SRM), we were able to understand how varying levels of student engagement impacted the experiences of students, including their risk of getting a grade of DFW. These models have helped to underscore the importance of ensuring faculty and academic leaders have access to data that shine a light on the student journey in a timely manner, allowing for possible actions to be taken to improve student success.
Brad Wuetherick (Speaker) University of British Columbia
Claudia Rangel (Speaker) Dalhousie University
Don Fiander (Speaker)
Chris Carter (Speaker) Dalhousie University, Senior Institutional Analyst