Search for tag: "Finance"
FY24 Budget Training Presentation 4.11.23If you have any questions regarding the presentation, please reach out to your financial liaison.
From Courtney Linville
38 plays
The Language of Chrome RiverRecorded July 20, 2021. Access PowerPoint slides at Get fluent in all things related to your Chrome River dashboard, eWallet, and more! This course will also cover Chrome…
From Group Financial Training & Communications
1,148 plays
Office of Financial Wellness & Education: Saving for CollegeIU Executive Director of Financial Wellness & Education Phil Schuman and College Choice 529 Senior Institutional Relationship Manager Phillip Waddles discuss how IU students/faculty/staff can…
From Group MoneySmarts
140 plays
CIBER Focus: "Financial Technology, Diversity, and Sub-Saharan Africa" with Dr. Sandra K. Johnson - November 30, 2018Dr. Sandra K. Johnson is the Founder, CEO & CTO of Global Mobile Finance, Inc., a fintech startup company based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. She is also the Founder & CEO of…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
9 plays
Top Chinese finance official delivers lecture at IUPUI, receives honorary degreeThe Chinese official who serves as deputy governor of the People's Bank of China and manages China's $2.3 trillion of foreign currency reserves presented a lecture, "China's…
From Group RTVS Video Archive
120 plays
CIBER Focus: "Business and Institutions on the International Stage" with Dr. Sarah Bauerle Danzman - September 1, 2017Sarah Bauerle Danzman is an assistant professor at IU’s School of Global and International Studies. Trained as a quantitative political economist, Dr. Bauerle Danzman researches how…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
75 plays