The 2019 Ryan White Awards ceremony presentation.
Interview with Dr. William E. Cooke, the 2019 Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award winner.
After nearly
50 years working in counseling and counseling education, Dr. Rex Stockton is
internationally recognized for his work in group counseling, group counselor
education, and group…
In this
edition of CIBER Focus, Dr. Onalenna Seitio-Kgokgwe draws from her many years
working in public health and development to talk about the health care industry
in Botswana and how the…
Friday, November 18 8:30-10:30 am5A Liberty Ballroom BRound Table—Sustaining Folk Arts in Philadelphia: Grassroots Perspectives on Advocacy and Intercultural WorkChair: Debora Kodish,…
Existing research suggests that external interventions may reduce the aggregate levels of
repression in authoritarian regimes by pressuring recalcitrant national governments to comply
Greg Louganis receives the Ryan White Award and speaks concerning his experiences.
An interview with Greg Louganis
The Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention and the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington sponsored a public panel discussion on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2015 concerning the recent…