Search for tag: "books"

Youth & School Library Services Panel, LIS Industry Speaker Series

Moderated by Kym Kramer, panelists include: Tara…

From  Mike Lulgjuraj 66 plays 0  

Illuminating Folk Illusions with Dr. Brandon Barker and Dr. Claiborne Rice

Have you ever considered how children's…

+5 More
From  Amanda Lueck 24 plays 0  

Stories of Memory, Art, & Aging with Dr. Jon Kay

Dr. Jon Kay and Ph.D. Candidate Lydia…

+5 More
From  Amanda Lueck 53 plays 0  

Flowing Currents and Archives of Conjure with Dr. Solimar Otero

Dr. Solimar Otero and Amelia Lopez discuss…

+7 More
From  Amanda Lueck 55 plays 0  

Conversing with Dr. Alisha Lola Jones about Flaming? and Gospel

Dr. Alisha Lola Jones and Dr. Kyle Adams converse…

+7 More
From  Amanda Lueck 17 plays 0  

CIBER Focus: "Business and Institutions on the International Stage" with Dr. Sarah Bauerle Danzman - September 1, 2017

Sarah Bauerle Danzman is an assistant professor…

From  Group Institute for Intl Business 75 plays 0  


From  Owen Crizer 3 plays 0  

2017_08_22-CIBERFocus-DrSarahBauerleDanzman_V2_Upload 8/25

From  Group Media 5 plays 0  

2017_08_22-CIBERFocus-DrSarahBauerleDanzman_Upload 8/25

From  Emelie Flower 2 plays 0  

M123 R6 Rational Expressions Intro

From  Roberta Roswell 9 plays 0  

IUSM WL - HS - 170821 - Walker

From  Chad Rainey 4 plays 0  

Orientation_Buelow1_20170814.mp4 - Clipped by Malarie Piercy

Scheduled recording

From  Janice Buelow 6 plays 0  

B111 M123 College Algebra, Linear Applic, 1 Variable, Part 2, 1.3

From  Roberta Roswell 167 plays 0  

LJETTPAC_01B_WK-1_PART_2_2017-07-26 11-33-15 - Clipped by Samuel Attoye

From  Lynn Jettpace 168 plays 0  

Dispersion theory in hadron form factors - Christian Weiss

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 22 plays 0  

6/13/17 -- A. Pilloni: S-matrix and kinematics I (Practicum)

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 65 plays 0  

6/12/17 -- A. Pilloni: Practicum II

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 58 plays 0  

6/12/17 -- A. Pilloni: Practicum I

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 68 plays 0  

6/12/17 -- A. Pilloni: Introduction

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 121 plays 0  


+15 More
From  Gary Kern 15 plays 0  

2017_07_19_Brant Moriarity Professional Introduction video

+15 More
From  Brant Moriarity 592 plays 0  

M123 Section 2.4B Ave Rate of Change

From  Roberta Roswell 33 plays 0  

Sec Reg Topic F Part 2: Public Sales of Securities II: Disclosure-Big Picture 2017

From  Frank Sullivan 120 plays 0  

Sec Reg Topic E Part 1: Public Sales of Securities I: Pre-Filing Period: Part 1

From  Frank Sullivan 291 plays 0  

Chapter one- 2017 Jul 13 04:35:58 - Clipped by Shawn Boyne

Ohlin Chapter One

+19 More
From  Shawn Boyne 258 plays 0