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The Road to Adaptive Reuse_20170301.mp4

The road to adaptive reuse: The integration of sustainable design, the triple bottom line, and technology in the Studebaker Redevelopment Initiative – The Renaissance District, an 80 city block…

+19 More
From  Krista Bailey 6 plays 0  

W200 08-2 Managerial Ethics

From  James Adoba 136 plays 0  

X100 08-2 Managerial Ethics

Lecture 8: Organizational Issues & Styles

From  James Adoba 20 plays 0  

Use of Administrative Accounts

Links in this video: IU Policy IT-12: Protect IU website: Use a Less Privileged Account: The Principle of Least Privilege:…

From  Group IT Training Video 285 plays 0  

Trujillo, C - Crisis Management Exercise – IU-IDB SSFP

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From  Group Media 3 plays 0