Search for tag: "sound (physics)"
The Road to Adaptive Reuse_20170301.mp4The road to adaptive reuse: The integration of sustainable design, the triple bottom line, and technology in the Studebaker Redevelopment Initiative – The Renaissance District, an 80 city block…
From Krista Bailey
6 plays
SEM2016-14) Paper Session: Media ImpactSunday, November 13 12A –Sunday 10:45 am-12:15 pm Paper Session Media Impact Chair: Heather MacLachlan, University of Dayton Music, Social Media, and War Propaganda:…
From Stephen Stuempfle
34 plays
SEM2016-13) Roundtable: Music as Communication: Ethnomusicological and Scientific ApproachesSunday, November 1311A – Sunday 8:30 am-10:30am Roundtable Sponsored by the Music Cognition Special Interest Group Music as Communication: Ethnomusicological and Scientific…
From Stephen Stuempfle
29 plays
SEM2016-12) Charles Seeger Lecture[The audio at the very beginning of the presentations was not captured due to technical difficulties.] 4:15 pm-5:45 pm The 2016 Charles Seeger Lecture My Music Ellen Koskoff,…
From Stephen Stuempfle
25 plays
SEM2016-10) President’s Roundtable: Ethnomusicological Responses to the Contemporary Dynamics of Migrants and Refugees10A – Saturday 10:45 am-12:15 pm President’s Roundtable Sponsored by the SEM Board of Directors Ethnomusicological Responses to the Contemporary Dynamics of Migrants and…
From Stephen Stuempfle
60 plays
SEM2016-8) Paper Session: Repurposed Technologies[The audio of the beginning of the first presentation was not captured due to technical difficulties] 8A – Friday 4:00 pm-5:30 pm Paper Session Repurposed Technologies Chair:…
From Stephen Stuempfle
37 plays
SEM2016-7) Panel: Indigenizing Sound, Sounding Indigeneity: Sovereign Spaces and Bodies Through Popular Music7A – Friday 1:45 pm-3:45 pm Panel Sponsored by the Indigenous Music Section Indigenizing Sound, Sounding Indigeneity: Sovereign Spaces and Bodies Through Popular Music…
From Stephen Stuempfle
22 plays
SEM2016-6) Paper Session: Jazz Movements and Locales6A – Friday 10:45 am-12:15 pm Paper Session Jazz Movements and Locales Chair: Travis A. Jackson, University of Chicago Dances In The Desert: Swing Bands In WWII Japanese…
From Stephen Stuempfle
35 plays
SEM 2011-Sessions 12A & 13ASunday, November 20 8:30-10:30 am12A Freedom Ballroom EMusical Advocacy: Mediation, Creativity, and Social Engagement Chair: Carol Muller, University of Pennsylvania8:30- ReimaginingOaxacan…
From Stephen Stuempfle
7 plays
SEM 2011-Sessions 9A & 10ASaturday, November 19 8:30-10:30 am9A Freedom Ballroom EListening to the Field: Sonic Presentations of Ethnographic MaterialChair: Ben Tausig, New York University8:30- Playing Under Protest:…
From Stephen Stuempfle
18 plays
SEM 2011-Sessions 1A and 2AThursday, November 17 1AProcess, Influence and Meaning in African CreativityChair: Kofi Agawu, Princeton University Musical Dialogues: Syntheses of Binary Musical Forms into Ewe Agbadza Music James…
From Stephen Stuempfle
41 plays
SEM 2015- Thursday, December 3, PM SessionsThursday, December 3 1:45 – 3:45 pmRoom 400Walking, Parading, and Footworking through the City: Urban Processional MusicPractices and Embodied HistoriesChair: Marié Abe, Boston…
From Stephen Stuempfle
23 plays
SEM 2015 General Membership Meeting & Seeger LectureSaturday, December 5 1:45 – 3:45 pm Salon HGeneral Membership Meeting 4:00 – 5:30 pmSalon HSeeger Lecture “Life on the Musical Edges” Philip J. Deloria, University of…
From Stephen Stuempfle
43 plays
SEM 2015- Sessions 7A & 8AFriday, December 4 1:45-3:45 PM Ethnomusicology and Public Policy: Intellectual Property Law, Performance, and Recorded Sound*Public Policy Session Organized by the SEM BoardChair: Sean Williams,…
From Stephen Stuempfle
7 plays
SEM 2015- Sunday, December 6, AM SessionSunday, December 6 8:30 – 10:30 amRoom 400What Do “The People” Want?: Demystifying Popular(ism) in Contemporary Middle East and North African Popular MusicsChair: David McDonald,…
From Stephen Stuempfle
11 plays
SEM 2012-Sunday, Nov. 4-AM SessionsSunday, November 4 8:30 – 10:30 am Musical Modernities Brian Diettrich (New Zealand School of Music), ChairBenjamin Steege (Columbia University), “Max Weber’s Musical Modernity and…
From Stephen Stuempfle
3 plays