Search for tag: "dog"

Adaptation (Introduction)

If rightness of fit is the gold standard for constructing a good speech, the method by which you find the right fit is called adaptation.

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From  John Arthos 4,873 plays 0  


How do we deal with the fact that we all come from different positions with passionate investment? How do we adapt to each other when there are irreconcilable differences? This is the challenge of…

From  John Arthos 7,071 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 1 NEW DRAFT 02032017 1202 3 dB Boost

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 2 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 1 NEW DRAFT 01262017 1457

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 6 plays 0  

C533_Recorded Session 3

C533 Recorded Session 3

+29 More
From  Aaron Perry 2 plays 0  

Ch. 16 & Ch. 18 Writing Requirements, Breach of Contract and Contract Claims

From  James Adoba 282 plays 0  

Ch. 35 The Principal - Agent Relationship

From  James Adoba 15 plays 0  

Marley Tunnell Compass 1 Personal Brand Pitch

From  Marley Tunnell 29 plays 0  

Richelle Hanes

+17 More
From  Nicholas Zautra 42 plays 0  

Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation

+15 More
From  Kelly Eskew 619 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Part One

What is Politics?

From  Cagri Yildirim 13 plays 0