Search for tag: "human rights"
CIBER Focus: "Human Rights Risks and Regulatory Trends in Supply Chains" with Dr. Jolyon Ford - January 24, 2018Dr. Jolyon Ford is an Associate Dean at the Australian National University (ANU) School of Law. He re-joined ANU in July 2015 from roles at London’s Royal Institute for International Affairs…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
60 plays
CIBER Focus: "Taiwanese Law and Indigenous Rights" with Professor Awi Mona - October 11, 2017Awi Mona is a legal scholar dedicated to the research and development of indigenous movements and legal systems. He specializes in international law, human rights law, indigenous law, and cultural…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
76 plays
Inaugural Ostrom Workshop Colloquium on Cybersecurity and Internet GovernanceWhat Might Have Been and Could Still Be – TPP’s Potential to Encourage an Open Internet and Digital Rights (Prof. Susan Ariel Aaronson, George Washington University)
From David Price
2 plays
Public Health and You - Human Trafficking in IndianaDr. Deborah Goetz and Allen Bell discuss the Indiana Trafficking and Victims Assistance Program.
From Renee Petrina
8 plays
CIBER Focus: "Part 5 of Business & Peace: The Crucial Role of Business" with Dr. John ForrerIn part 5 of our ongoing conversation about the role business can and should play in the world's peace processes, Dr. John Forrer shares how businesses can work together with other…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
12 plays