Search for tag: "genetics"

"Diversity is Essential" - Dr. Roger Hangarter (IU Biology)

Genetic diversity is essential for evolutionary adaptation. Diversity is also essential for individuals to communicate through visual, auditory and/or olfactory signals. In this presentation, I…

From  Tracy Bee 7 plays 0  

Lentiviral gene transfer of human mutant TGFβ2 for a mouse ocular hypertension model: A premilinary study

Michael Peng talks about a lentiviral approach to gene transfer of TGFβ2 for a mouse ocular hypertension model.

From  Michael Hawkes 1 plays 0  

iPSC derivation from patient blood samples for the study of mitochondrial optic neuropathies and other neurodegerative diseases

Karson Kamman talks about induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from patient blood samples and using them to study mitochondrial optic neuropathies and other neurodegenerative diseases.

From  Michael Hawkes 6 plays 0  

Selection free method to enhance gene transfer efficiency in human stem cells for CRISPR/Cas9 based disease modeling

Michelle Surma discusses a selection free method to enhance gene transfer efficiency in human stem cells for CRISPR/Cas9 based disease modeling

From  Michael Hawkes 1 plays 0  

IUSM WL - MCT - Genomic function 2 - 170829 - Fai

From  Chad Rainey 9 plays 0  

Core 1-Leading_Organizations_Week1Video2

From  Cristiano Guarana 1,180 plays 0  

6/12/17 -- A. Pilloni: Practicum II

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 57 plays 0  

6/12/17 -- A. Pilloni: Practicum I

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 67 plays 0  

2017-07-11 Tuan Tran IUCGH Research and Bioethics Seminar - Applying systems biology approaches to studies of acquired immunity to malaria in African children

The IU Center for Bioethics and the IU Center for Global Health July Seminar: “Applying systems biology approaches to studies of acquired immunity to malaria in African…

From  Group IU Center for Global Health 15 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 6/7/2017: "Changing the Natural History of Pediatric IBD: The role of risk prognostication and early biologic therapy" Jeffrey S. Hyams, MD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 24 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Matthew Kleine 19 plays 0  

Limits, Clinical Queries, and Full text

Searching PubMed and using Limits, Clinical Queries, and finding Full Text

From  Group Ruth Lilly Medical Library Reference Dep 239 plays 1  


Scheduled recording

From  Fredrik Skarstedt 4 plays 0  

Cancer Presentation

From  Cole Claycomb 3 plays 0  

Breast Cancer

From  Thomas Newlin 4 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Fredrik Skarstedt 5 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 3/22/2017: "Exome to Bedside Patient Care" Grzegorz Nalepa, MD, PhD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 149 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Joan Charlesworth 6 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds_3/15/2017: The Young Jee Kim Rare Disease Lectureship presents "Movements" Thomas W. Ferkol Jr., MD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 33 plays 0  

Introduction to Bioinformatics

From  Yu Kay Law 45 plays 0  

James B. Leverenz, M.D.


From  Sarah Rice 4 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 2/22/2017: "Ethical Implications of Genetic Testing and Genetic Research" Kimberly A. Quaid , PhD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 10 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 1/11/2017: "Advances in Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis and Treatment" Clement L. Ren, MD, MS

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 30 plays 0  

Brenda M Birmann, ScD - The elusive etiology of multiple myeloma (MM) - Dec 13, 2016

From  Zach Wilson 7 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Fredrik Skarstedt 4 plays 0