Search for tag: "google docs"

P&P: Inaccessible: Image

JAWS screen reading of inaccessible image in Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 4 plays

P&P: Accessible: Image

JAWS screen reading of accessible image in Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 4 plays

P&P: Inaccessible

JAWS screen reading of inaccessible version of Google Docs version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 7 plays 0  

P&P: Accessible

JAWS screen reading of accessible version of Google Doc of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

From  Adam Mazel 7 plays

_Using Collaborations

In this episode, Raj demonstrates how to use Canvas Collaborations to simplify using Google in your Canvas course. See Attachments for a downloadable jobaid.

From  Rod Myers 14 plays 0  

09/03 T375 Meeting

T375 Week 2 Meeting

+16 More
From  Brittany Goodwin 6 plays 0  

LJETTPAC_00A_Jettpace 231 Online Orientation

From  Lynn Jettpace 164 plays 0