Search for tag: "new jersey"

Introduction to LARP with Eli and Mayghin Levine Part 6

This video set features Eli and Mayghin Levine, owners of the LARP company Elder Entertainment, discussing live action role play with Donetta Cothran, recorded by Margaret Lion. This series has…

+12 More
From  Margaret Lion 4 plays 0  

Video 15


From  Pernell Johnson 5 plays 0  


+15 More
From  Andrew Chang 9 plays 0  

PhD Research Study_ELISD2Norman_InterviewTranscribed

Norman, Deaf, ELIS, New Jersey, New York area.

+46 More
From  Bernadette de Leon 4 plays

2016_10_18_T175-JaysonGreen-greenjaa (upload 10/18)

From  Jayson Green 4 plays 0  

2016_10_14_T175-JackWayne-jjwayne (upload 10/17)

From  Jack Wayne 5 plays 0  


From  Aman Singh 28 plays 0  

2016_9_7_C575-JamalPope-popeja (upload 9/8)

From  Jamal Pope 2 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 3 - BIG Picture - Constitution DRAFT 08182016 1630

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 5 plays 0