Search for tag: "career planning"
Careers in Community Health & Human ServicesThe purpose of this virtual event is to provide an opportunity for current students in the IU School of Public Health to hear from professionals working in diverse roles & settings within career…
From Trudy McConnell
17 plays
Expand Your Career Search Feb 3, 2021Learn about ways to expand your career search while exploring new strategies, weighing your options, and managing uncertainty.
From Susan Simmons
36 plays
Career Design Presentation Sep 23, 2020Learn about design thinking and how it can be applied to career planning.
From Susan Simmons
200 plays
Prelaw Orientation Video (2020)Critical information for new IU prelaw students! Rather than holding a prelaw orientation event this year for IU students new to prelaw, due to COVID-19 we have released the following video…
From Jake Rossman
219 plays
International Student Success - "Career Fair Recap: What Now?" w/ Kelley Alumna Hyemin KimListen to Kelley alumna Hyemin Kim (Implementation Manager at Kyriba) share her advice on what to do AFTER you've attended career fairs to increase your chances of getting jobs/internships in…
From Sara Ko-Ada
57 plays
International Student Success - "How to Prep for Career Fairs" w/ Kelley Alumna Hyemin KimKelley alumna Hyemin Kim (Implementation Manager at Kyriba) talks about her experiences as both an international student and a recruiter.
From Sara Ko-Ada
31 plays
International Student Success - Kelley Alumnus Lawrence NahWatch this video and hear international Kelley alumnus Lawrence Nah share his advice and tips on successful job/internship search in the U.S.
From Sara Ko-Ada
146 plays