Search for tag: "ilte workshop"
Crafting a Teaching PhilosophyA teaching philosophy is a key component of dossiers for third year review, promotion and tenure, and teaching awards. Does your philosophy truly articulate your teaching beliefs and practice? Join…
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence
4 plays
Fine-tune your class with a Course MapMapping your course will tangibly show how course and module objectives, assessments, learning activities, and content assignments are aligned and work together in a well-designed course. It helps…
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence
4 plays
Canvas Updates Fall 2022A summary of Canvas updates from May 2022 through December 2022
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence
5 plays
Adobe Premier RushAdobe Premiere Rush for beginners. Presented by David Rainbolt Zoom Recording ID: 8129412506 UUID: kiD0V8KrT8CjxCS0KUpAYw== Meeting Time: 2022-11-15 08:54:53pm
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence
7 plays
Faculty Innovator Showcase - Jean AbshireZoom Recording ID: 8129412506 UUID: eW7ysttdSFiSekH0VrDCYA== Meeting Time: 2022-09-27 04:18:58pm
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence
7 plays