Blooming with Bloom’s
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence February 6th, 2024
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From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence February 6th, 2024
This presentation will share application and usage of the classic educational tool Bloom’s Taxonomy, describing how this valuable pedagogical powerhouse can lead to increased student learning and engagement.
We will lead participants through the process to begin using Bloom’s Taxonomy to build their syllabus or classes, which will help students understand scaffolded learning and course requirements. Participants will leave with a draft of a change to a course syllabus or assignment.
Relevant to Multiple
These uses of Bloom’s Taxonomy apply to teaching and learning across disciplines and education levels, from general education to graduate education. (Two presenters in different disciplines have been using successfully.)
Based on Experience or
With experience ranging from FYS to graduate courses, presenters will showcase how Bloom’s has informed their teaching strategies. Bloom’s has laid a foundation for increased student engagement, transparency in assignment design, and better direct student learning.
Practical Take-Aways