Search for tag: "april 15th"

Growing a Graduate Program using the Cohort Model: Our Journey

As enrollment in higher education continues to decline, faculty and administrators are looking for innovative approaches to stem the tide. Schools of Education have turned to the cohort model as a…

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From  Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence 1 plays

Part-Time Professors and Blue-Collar Scholars: A Celebration of Adjunct Faculty

Have you ever:1. Eaten more than one meal a day in your car?2. Forgotten what day of the week it is because you don’t know where you’re supposed to be?3. Known your schedule would change…

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From  Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence 14 plays

Teaching Practical Skills and Strategies through Role-play Simulations

This session will provide participants insights and practical guidance on how to incorporate real-world role-play simulations that advance student learning beyond what textbooks and lectures can…

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From  Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence 4 plays

Nailing the Interview

Debahuti Chatterjee and Swati Rendon, Purdue University Northwest and McNeese State UniversityEnter here: Zoom Breakout Room #1 Meeting ID: 890 3941 9744This presentation will focus on the…

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From  Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence 16 plays

IU's New Accessibility Tool, Ally

Ally is IU's new accessibility tool and is integrated directly into your Canvas course. Not only does it evaluate the accessibility of your resources and course content, but it also provides…

From  Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence 3 plays