Creating Classrooms of Radical Hope
From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence September 27th, 2022 Created from Sotl Conference Break-out Room 1
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From Group Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence September 27th, 2022 Created from Sotl Conference Break-out Room 1
Radical Hope (Gannon, 2020) is a pedagogical philosophy based on Paulo Freire’s work. Freire called for a radical transformation of society by raising students’ critical consciousness to challenge existing power differentials, including in our classrooms. Radical Hope has roots in Inclusive Excellence (Williams, Berger & McClendon, 2005), Learner Centered Teaching (Weimer, 2002), Culturally Responsive Teaching Gay, 2010), and Cultural Humility (Hook, Davis, Owen, & DeBlare, 2013).
Our presentation begins with a quick overview
of these models. We will then share what we affectionately call “the fun stuff,”
including practical strategies to create classrooms that promote radical hope.
Our aim is to help attendees create classrooms that are culturally inclusive,
life affirming, imposter syndrome crushing, power differential challenging,
critical consciousness raising, transformative, compassionate, brave, and
support relevant and deep student learning.
Yes, even if they teach geology or chemistry.
Finally, the presentation will feature two graduate students answering these questions, based on the literature as well as their own classroom experiences: