Search for tag: "board of directors (company board)"

2015 IUPUI Report to the Community

IUPUI Chancellor Charles R. Bantz's Report to the Community focuses on how strategic goals for change and targeted support for promising areas of growth enables IUPUI to advance educational…

+16 More
From  Group RTVS Video Archive 1 plays 0  

CGSL Website Videos - "What is NTSC" 6/7/17

2017_06_07_What is NTSC upload 9/6

From  Group Center for Global Sales Leadership 3 plays 0  

IU Foundation: Partners in Philanthropy

On Thursday, October 16, Indiana University and the Indiana University Foundation honor five individuals at the 2014 Partners in Philanthropy. Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie and IU…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 9 plays 0  

Board of Trustees Meeting - PM Session

The Board of Trustees is Indiana University's governing board, its legal owner, and final authority. The board holds the university's financial, physical, and human assets and operations in…

From  Group RTVS Video Archive 35 plays 0  


From  John Zietlow 3 plays 0  


+18 More
From  John Zietlow 2 plays 0  


From  John Zietlow 14 plays 0  

Licensing workshop ft. speaker Andy Harner

Scheduled recording

From  Jacob Baker 61 plays 0  


+15 More
From  Evangeline Mattioli 30 plays 0  

T175 Brand Pitch - Kaitlynn Blough

From  Kaitlynn Blough 13 plays 0  

2017_02_27_T175-GrantSokol-gssokol (upload 2/27)

From  Grant Sokol 10 plays 0  

SEM 2011 General Membership Meeting and Seeger Lecture

Saturday PM Sessions:1:45-3:45 pm: Liberty Ballroom B,C&DSEM General Membership Meeting4:00-5:30 pm: Liberty Ballroom B,C&DSEM Seeger Lecture (timing in video ~2:24:16) Randy Martin:…

+15 More
From  Stephen Stuempfle 68 plays 0  

SEM 2013-Saturday, November 16-PM Sessions

1:45 – 3:45 pm General Membership Meeting 4:00 – 5:30 pmSeeger LectureSherry Ortner (University of California, Los Angeles)“The Cultural Production of a Field of Cultural…

From  Stephen Stuempfle 3 plays 0  

Nancy Fortenberry (2014), National Security, Local Impact: It’s an Outside the Beltway Thing

Birch Bayh Lecture Series

+15 More
From  lawlref LawLib reference 33 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Fredrik Skarstedt 0 plays 0  

McCoin, R - Crisis Management Exercise – IU-IDB SSFP

From  Group Media 9 plays 0