Search for tag: "mice (rodent)"

IUSM WL - HS - Histology of Muscle - 170824 - Turek

From  Chad Rainey 13 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 6/28/2017: "Translating New Discoveries into Practice in Childhood Respiratory Disease" Benjamin Gaston, MD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 33 plays 0  

Anthony J. Baucum II, Ph.D.

Thursday, March 30th @ 12 Noon in NB-101: Anthony J. Baucum II, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, IUSM Title: “Spinophilin signaling in Parkinson disease, drug abuse, and obesity: A…

From  Sarah Rice 4 plays 0  

Jonathon Godbout, Ph.D.

Thursday, April 20th @ 12 Noon in R3-C203: Jonathon Godbout, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Co-Director, Neuroscience Graduate Program, Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research,…

From  Sarah Rice 2 plays 0  

Dr. AJ Baucum II, Ph.D.

Thursday, March 30th @ 12 Noon in NB-101: Anthony J. Baucum II, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, IUSM Title: “Spinophilin signaling in Parkinson disease, drug abuse, and obesity: A…

From  Sarah Rice 17 plays 0  

Dr. Nicole Ashpole, Ph.D.

Thursday, April 13th @ 12 Noon in NB-101: Nicole Ashpole, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Phamacology, Research Assistant Professor in the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of…

From  Sarah Rice 23 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 3/22/2017: "Exome to Bedside Patient Care" Grzegorz Nalepa, MD, PhD

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 149 plays 0  

Paul Territo, Ph.D.

Scheduled recording

From  Sarah Rice 38 plays 0  

David J. Clark, MD/PhD

Scheduled recording

From  Sarah Rice 9 plays 0  

Julia Ayala Ph.D.


From  Sarah Rice 4 plays 0  

Alex O'Malley - Invitational Speech

From  Nicholas Zautra 141 plays 0