Search for tag: "copyright violation"

BioEthics_20170601.mp4 - Clipped by Gary Brackett

Scheduled recording

+18 More
From  Peter Schwartz 9 plays 0  

Plagiarism Tutorial from the Ruth Lilly Medical Library

This tutorial defines plagiarism, discusses the implications of being caught plagiarizing, and provides tips and trick to prevent plagiarizing information. There are several resources discussed…

From  Group Ruth Lilly Medical Library Reference Dep 28 plays 0  

R795 Week 01: Course Introduction

+16 More
From  Krista Glazewski 21 plays 0  

Syllabus Overview 1

Syllabus Overview for P507 Spring 2017

+15 More
From  Megan Tolin 92 plays 0  

W200 01-2 Course Learning Objectives

+15 More
From  James Adoba 436 plays 0  

X100 01-2 Course Learning Objectives

Lecture 1: Introduction

+15 More
From  James Adoba 20 plays 0  

Kevin Behan - Invitational Speech

Recording for 2nd class

From  Nicholas Zautra 110 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Law AudioVideo 1 plays 0