Search for tag: "online learning"
5-Hickey Quick CLASS VideoThis is a presentation the Dan Hickey and Joshua Quick recorded for the December 2020 Symposium hosted by the IU Center for Learning Analytics and Student Success
From Group Ctr for Lrn Analy & Stu Succ
19 plays
S01E01 UCET Radio April 10th 2020In this, our premiere episode, Carolyn Schult, Director of the University Center for Excellence in Teaching at IU South Bend and Professor of Psychology, Gary Kern, the outgoing Assistant Director of…
From Joel Langston
48 plays
OCQ: Instructor Question PersonalizationThis tutorial will show instructors how to add their own custom questions to the Online Course Questionnaire.
From Sarah Robertson
4 plays
How to complete the OCQThis tutorial will show students how to complete the online course questionnaire.
From Sarah Robertson
13 plays
OCQ: Viewing ReportsThis tutorial will show how instructors can view and retrieve their online course questionairre reports.
From Sarah Robertson
8 plays
OCQ: Monitoring Response RatesThis tutorial will show instructors how to monitor their student response rates for the Online Course Questionnaire.
From Sarah Robertson
11 plays