Search for tag: "emerging markets"
CIBER Focus: "Women and LGBT Empowerment in Emerging Markets" with Dr. Yana Rodgers - October 23, 2017Dr. Rodgers is a Professor of Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, where she teaches courses and conducts research in feminist economics, labor studies, and development economics.…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
73 plays
CIBER Doing Business Conference: Africa - Keynote Presentation "Power Africa Initiative"The Doing Business in and with Sub-Saharan Africa conference brought government and business leaders in trade and investment together to share experience and understanding of doing business in and…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
67 plays
Business & Peace Livestream 3: Trade & Peace Panel 10/3/2016First panel of the Oct. 3 Business and Peace Conference, featuring Donald Cassell, Philip Powell, and John Sullivan. Moderated by John Forrer on the topic Trade and Peace.
From Group Institute for Intl Business
11 plays
2015-2016 CIBER Focus Year In ReviewOur year in review provides snippets of all 37 CIBER Focus videos filmed during the 2015-2016 academic year. It's a great way to get a glimpse of what the interview series offers and prioritize…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
67 plays
CIBER Focus: "MBA Team Deployment in Ghana: Financial Sustainability for Challenging Heights" with Sridhar Kollipara and Michael GassmanMBA students, Sridhar Kollipara and Michael Gassman reflect on their recent team deployment to Ghana in a discussion with Nick Sterne, CIBER Focus host and MBA student.
From Group Institute for Intl Business
10 plays
CIBER Focus: "Dynamic Markets in Africa" with Lyal WhiteDr. Lyal White joins Kelley MBA student Nick Sterne to discuss the dynamic markets of the African continents. Dr. White, Director at the Centre for Dynamic Markets, explains that dynamic markets are…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
2 plays
CIBER Focus: "Entrepreneurship and Health Services in Kenya" with Peter ParkPeter Park has worked in Africa, primarily Kenya, to bring a more structured and accessible health care industry to the local communities. He discusses his work with Jessie Mroz, a Research Assistant…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
10 plays
CIBER Focus: "Globase Guatemala: Mujeres Buscando Alternativas" with Eunice MartinezEunice Martínez discusses her organization, Mujeres Buscando Alternativas (Women Seeking Alternatives) and its partnership with the MBA consulting project, Globase Guatemala in an interview…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
2 plays
CIBER Focus: "Globase Guatemala Business Profile" with Hector Cardinas and Carlos LopezCarlos Lopez and Hector Cárdinas discuss their business, Acero Inoxidable, the economic conditions in Guatemala, and their work with the MBA consulting project, Globase Guatemala in an…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
0 plays
CIBER Focus: "Business Operations In Africa: Visiting Africa" with Dawn NewDawn New addresses discusses her recent research trip to Botswana and South Africa with Brenda Bailey-Hughes. New is a Visiting Lecturer in Business Communication at Indiana University's Kelley…
From Group Institute for Intl Business
1 plays