Search for tag: "family with children"

Focus Group #2 (5_8_15) - Helping Kids with Autism

From  Group HANDS in Autism 4 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Katherine Cashman 7 plays 0  

06/13/17 -- Andrzej Kupsc: Light hadrons at e+e- colliders (seminar)

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 21 plays 0  


From  Gregory Kordsmeier 51 plays 0  

O. Session 4. Lisa- Summary Section /Creating IFSP Outcomes

From  Katherine Herron 47 plays 0  

C. Session 2. Lisa- How to Introduce the Family Assessment Tool

From  Katherine Herron 68 plays 0  

SPH Infant Mortality Part 2

IU Blooming School of Public Health and IU Health partner to educate the workforce on ways to lower infant mortality rates in the state of Indiana. Part 2 of 3.

From  Renee Petrina 4 plays 0  

Infant Mortality - Part 1

IU Blooming School of Public Health and IU Health partner to educate the workforce on ways to lower infant mortality rates in the state of Indiana. Part 1 of 3.

From  Renee Petrina 12 plays 0  

2016-12-13 McHenry Global Bioethics Seminar

"Ethics of International Research with HIV-infected Children"Dr. Megan McHenry

From  Group IU Center for Global Health 11 plays 0  

JagVoices 2

From  Michael Scott 31 plays 0  

Nestle Team 1 - FINAL Clipped by Diania Maisonneuve

From  Tiffani Ogden 20 plays 0  


From  Jiayue Peng 5 plays 0  


From  Mikaela Osullivan 8 plays 0  


From  Breann Lunghamer 1 plays 0  

Requiem for a Dream

From  Michael Scott 64 plays 0  

2017 Summer Orientation Updates

From  Stephanie Keiner 12 plays 0  

Peds_GrRds 2/1/2017: "Online Threats to Children" Kristina Marie Korobov

Scheduled recording

From  Sean Moser 14 plays 0  

Team F IP

From  Gia Dalesandro 10 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-KrystalGraf-kragraf (upload 12/5)

From  Krystal McNicholas 5 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-JonGoldenberg-jongolde (upload 12/2)

From  Jon Goldenberg 2 plays 0  

2016_12_2_X447-ClaytonHobbs-cthobbs (upload 12/2)

From  Clayton Hobbs 2 plays 0  


From  Shelby Loveall 3 plays 0  

L100 15-1 The Basics of Estate Law

From  James Adoba 8 plays 0  

L100 13-3 Parenting Time and Child Support

From  James Adoba 6 plays 0  

L100 13-2 Custody Proceedings

From  James Adoba 5 plays 0