The second panel of the 2017 International Symposium on Sustainable Development focused on the "Impact of Migration." It featured Dr. Malika Bahovadinova, of the Human Rights Center…
With Myanmar recently coming out of a period of almost "international hibernation", the country is currently experiencing an exciting period of global engagement amidst a rapidly changing…
Our year in review provides snippets of all 37 CIBER Focus videos filmed during the 2015-2016 academic year. It's a great way to get a glimpse of what the interview series offers and prioritize…
The third panel of the day "The Political & Legal Reform Process: Current Status & Future" featured panelists Nicholas Farrelly, Fellow at Australian National University; Harn…
Concluding remarks for the "Doing Business in and with..." US-Myanmar Engagement conference were provided by Elaisa Vahnie of the Burmese American Community Institute (BACI) in…
U Kyaw Tin shares his experiences in serving his country from afar through various positions in other countries. He served as Myanmar’s Ambassador to Canada and the Director-General of the…