Search for tag: "world wide web"

L6 OpenMP Code 0 Demo.mp4

From  Matthew Anderson 2 plays 0  


From  Kevin Brokamp 7 plays 0  


From  Gary Kern 11 plays 0  

Getting Started with the IU Web Framework

This is a recording of the IT Training webinar session on the IU Web Framework, held on May 19th, 2017.

From  Group IT Training Video 1,117 plays 0  

Focus Group 4 | May 31 at 10:30 AM

+15 More
From  Joanna Ray 2 plays 0  

April 2017 Timesheet update

Brief overview of timesheets in Sonia

From  Jennifer Hippie 11 plays 0  

How to complete the OCQ

This tutorial will show students how to complete the online course questionnaire.

From  Sarah Robertson 13 plays 0  

OCQ: Monitoring Response Rates

This tutorial will show instructors how to monitor their student response rates for the Online Course Questionnaire.

From  Sarah Robertson 11 plays 0  

L6 OpenMP Code 0 Demo

From  Matthew Anderson 135 plays 0  

2017.01.12.1200 - ILJ Sourcing Training

From  Group Maurer AV 0 plays 0  

Homework 1 and Wasp

+14 More
From  Sally Catlin 32 plays 0  

Course Intro

From  Sally Catlin 71 plays 0  


From  Group Media 39 plays 0  

Web Accessibility Basics

This brief video provides an introduction to web accessibility at Indiana University.

From  Group IT Training Video 543 plays 0  

EMS v44.1 Upgrade

Presentation of the EMS v44.1 Upgrade

From  Nathan Byrer 44 plays

Day 1 - Web of Science as a Research Dataset

This workshop brings together data scientists and data stewards from research centers that are using the Web of Science™ at scale. We will explore WoS from the perspective of a research dataset…

From  Sara Bouchard 19 plays 0  

2016.10.20 - Saving web page as PDF

From  Group Maurer AV 7 plays 0  

Assignment 2 Information

Covers the 3 parts of Assignment 2 with rough examples and examples from previous class web projects.

+15 More
From  Sally Catlin 1,156 plays 0  

C204 #1 Edit B 1920x1536 25 4015

C204 #1 Spring 2016 Kaltura test

From  Matthew McGee 4 plays 0  


Explaining relationships and views in Talend for MDM, followed by model deployment.

From  Alexandre Barsi Lopes 14 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

+17 More
From  Jasmine Forrester 3 plays 0  

MedHub Student Overview

By Stacy Bernhardt

From  lshuck 41 plays 0  

MedHub Student Overview

By Stacy Bernhardt

From  lshuck 16 plays 0  


From  Gary Kern 66 plays 0