08:13duration 8 minutes 13 seconds
Deseasonalizing Demand (P481)
01:10:10duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Wesley Smith Ph.D.
Scheduled recording
15:00duration 15 minutes 0 seconds
L100 05-2 Traffic Stops, Drunk Driving and…
L100 05-2 Traffic Stops, Drunk Driving and Vehicle Searches
12:33duration 12 minutes 33 seconds
L100 05-3 Shoplifting, Deferral Programs &…
L100 05-3 Shoplifting, Deferral Programs & Public Intoxication
14:56duration 14 minutes 56 seconds
L100 06-2 Intentional Torts - Interference with…
L100 06-2 Intentional Torts - Interference with Personal Rights
20:44duration 20 minutes 44 seconds
L100 05-1 Plea Agreements & Burden of Proof