Search for tag: "fishing"

Student discussions - Wednesday, June 21

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 3 plays 0  

Dispersion theory in hadron form factors - Christian Weiss

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 22 plays 0  

Dispersive analysis of pion-pion and pion-kaon interactions: Resonance poles and Regge behavior - José Peláez

Scheduled recording

From  Vincent Mathieu 19 plays 0  


From  John Zietlow 5 plays 0  


Video has been edited by Jannes

From  Vincent Mathieu 15 plays 0  

Inaugural Ostrom Workshop Colloquium on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance

Routing on the Internet is Trust and Money (Prof. Jean Camp, IU)

From  David Price 0 plays 0  

04/24/2017 Colloquium Series - Nathan Nunn: “Understanding Cultural Persistence and Change”

When does culture persist and when does it change? We examine a determinant of extent of cultural persistence that has been put forth in the evolutionary anthropology literature: the stability of…

+19 More
From  David Price 40 plays 0  

Macy's Team 4

From  Christi Walton 25 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Susan Lutz 3 plays 0  

AV Bridge - 2017 Feb 23 11:39:43

Human Development Erikson's Theory

From  Kathy Compton 5 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

+17 More
From  Windi Hornsby 2 plays 0  

W200 18-2 Middlemen Channels of Distribution

From  James Adoba 66 plays 0  

X100 18-2 Middlemen Channels of Distribution

Lecture 18: Marketing Mix: Place

From  James Adoba 75 plays 0  

Bridget Bowis - Invitational Speech

5 students

+28 More
From  Nicholas Zautra 94 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Part Two

Political and Economic Systems

+15 More
From  Cagri Yildirim 8 plays 0  

Y103 Chapter 1 - Module 2 DRAFT 07122016 1518

+15 More
From  Michael Jasiak 4,220 plays 0  

CIBER Focus: "Human Trafficking Part II: The Intersection of Trafficking and Business" with Stepanka Kortytova

+15 More
From  Group Institute for Intl Business 1 plays 0