Search for tag: "justice & rights"


From  Perfecto Caparas 12 plays 1  

Core 1-Leading_Organizations_Week3Video6

From  Cristiano Guarana 585 plays 0  

2nd Annual Diversity Leadership Conference - Emergent Theatre Panel

The Second Annual Diversity Leadership Conference will be welcoming intellectual, author and journalist Marc Lamont Hill as a keynote speaker, as well as countless budding student leaders, to Indiana…

+17 More
From  Group RTVS Video Archive 4 plays 0  

Legal Process July 11 - Clipped by Jason Yavor

From  Jason Yavor 2 plays 0  

JSS20170704BoscoKrieger.mp4 - Clipped by Andrea Adam Moore

Scheduled recording

+22 More
From  Andrea Adam Moore 7 plays 0  

2017.03.31.1100 - Jody Madeira

From  Law AudioVideo 15 plays 0  

03/20/2016 Colloquium Series - Tonja Jacobi: “Justice, Interrupted: Gender, Ideology, and Seniority in Oral Arguments”

This article examines how the justices compete for influence at oral argument by interrupting each other, and how advocates interrupt the justices, contrary to the rules of the Court. We find that…

+19 More
From  David Price 20 plays 0  

T175-Yifan Chen's Personal Brand Pitch-chen501

From  Yifan Chen 7 plays 0  


Scheduled recording

From  Susan Lutz 2 plays 0  

Keirsey types

+17 More
From  Christi Walton 38 plays 0  

L100 00 Course Description

From  James Adoba 110 plays 0  

W200 04-2 LLCs

From  James Adoba 222 plays 0  

L100 06-1 An Introduction to Torts

From  James Adoba 15 plays 0  

X100 04-2 LLCs

Lecture 4: Formal Business Forms

From  James Adoba 2 plays 0  

Aidan Grant - Invitational Speech

5 students

+27 More
From  Nicholas Zautra 118 plays 0  

Eduard Humphries - Invitational Speech

5 students

+24 More
From  Nicholas Zautra 77 plays 0  

Taruni Pandhiri - Invitational Speech

+28 More
From  Nicholas Zautra 226 plays 0  

Judith Kaye (2011 Sep. 11), A Chief Judge's After-Life: Reflections on Education Lawyers Today

James P. White Lecture Series

+16 More
From  lawlref LawLib reference 3 plays 0  

6. Foreign Patent Practice

From  Casey Nemecek 17 plays 0  

Susan Prager (2013 Oct. 15), Legal Education Matters

James P. White Lecture Series

From  lawlref LawLib reference 3 plays 0  

Randall Shepherd (2016 Feb. 11), The Problem of Law School Discounting: How Do We Sustain Equal Opportunity in the Legal Profession?

James P. White Lecture Series

+16 More
From  lawlref LawLib reference 6 plays 0  

Antonio Garcia-Padilla (2008 Mar. 4), The Internationalization of Legal Education

James P. White Lecture Series

+16 More
From  lawlref LawLib reference 11 plays 0  

Thomas Sullivan (2012 Apr. 3), The Transformation of the Legal Profession and Legal Education

James P. White Lecture Series

From  lawlref LawLib reference 6 plays 0  

Judith Areen (2016 Oct. 18), Legal Education Reconsidered

James P. White Lecture Series

From  lawlref LawLib reference 13 plays 0  

E. Gordon Gee (2013 Mar. 16), Recalibrating the Future of Higher Education

James P. White Lecture Series

From  lawlref LawLib reference 10 plays 0